Community Guidelines
Fostering Positive Interactions

Our Community Commitment
At "Hello, It’s Me®," we champion a culture of positivity, respect, and inclusivity. Our guidelines are designed to ensure every member feels safe, valued, and empowered to express themselves. 

  • Respect and Kindness: Always interact with compassion and understanding.

    Privacy: Protect your own and others' privacy; never share personal information.

    Inclusivity: Embrace diversity, welcoming all voices and perspectives.

    Positive Sharing: Share stories, experiences, and ideas that uplift and inspire.

    Safety First: Report any behavior that compromises the safety and well-being of our community.

  • Moderation and Enforcement Policies: Ensuring a Safe Space

    Our Approach to Safety

    We diligently monitor the community to maintain a safe, respectful environment.

    Violations of our guidelines are addressed through a clear, fair process:

    Review: Reported content or behavior is promptly reviewed by our team.

    Action: Actions, including warnings, temporary suspensions, or permanent bans, are taken based on the severity of the violation.

    Support: Affected individuals receive support and resources to address and resolve issues.

  • Parental or Guardian Resources: Navigating Together

    Guiding Youth and Vulnerable Members

    We offer resources to help parents and guardians understand and navigate the digital landscape alongside their wards:

    Guidance: Tips on discussing online safety, privacy, and respectful interactions.

    Controls: Information on using app settings to manage access and content.

    Support: Direct lines to our team for any concerns or questions about platform use.

  • Secure Payment Information: Trust in Every Transaction

    Protecting Your Financial Data

    Your security is paramount. Whether subscribing or making in-app purchases,

    rest assured that:

    Encryption: All transactions are secured with advanced encryption.

    Compliance: We adhere to global standards for payment processing.

    Privacy: Financial information is strictly used for transaction purposes and never shared.

Don’t Miss Out on Joining Our Community!
Sign up today to learn, interact, connect, and have fun on Hello, It’s Me®!