Welcome to Our Commitment to Safety


Safeguarding Your Journey of Discovery

At Hello, It’s Me®, your safety, trust, and comfort are the cornerstones of our community. We've crafted an environment where connections flourish in a secure, understanding, and supportive space—because every journey of discovery should be protected and respected.

Our Pledge to You

Empowering Digital Citizenship

Digital citizenship at "Hello, It’s Me®" means engaging with thoughtfulness and respect. We guide and support you in navigating the digital landscape responsibly, ensuring a positive and uplifting online experience for all.

Comprehensive Support and Resources

Facing challenges? We're here with a constellation of support. From immediate assistance to long-term resources, we've gathered essential contacts and services, ensuring help is always within reach.

Ensuring a Safe Connection

Building Trust Through Authentic Interactions

Every profile is a story, and every story matters. Through Authentic Profiles and Genuine Connections, we ensure every narrative shared is true, building trust and fostering genuine relationships.

Fostering Positive Content & Conversation

Our Content Curation with Care and Chat Spaces as a Haven of Kind Words is dedicated to maintaining a platform where positivity reigns, ensuring every interaction is respectful and every content piece enriches.

Privacy & Empowerment: Your Rights at the Fore

With stringent Privacy Protections and an Empowered Community through clear reporting mechanisms, your rights and privacy are inviolable. Your voice matters, and we're listening.


Hello, It’s Me® Safety Features

Age Verification

Our app is  for adults aged 18 years and older. This helps maintain a mature and responsible community atmosphere.

Profile Review Process

Before any profile becomes active on our platform, it undergoes a thorough review by our dedicated team. This ensures that all profiles adhere to our community guidelines and standards.

Content Review

We meticulously review all profile descriptions and images to ensure they meet our guidelines. We prohibit nudity, graphic images, profanity, or any other inappropriate content.

Chat Monitoring

Our chat system is actively monitored to filter out any inappropriate language or phrases, fostering a respectful and friendly environment for communication.

Privacy Protection

Users are prohibited from posting their home addresses in their profile, enhancing privacy and security.

Reporting Mechanism

We provide users with an easy-to-use reporting system to flag any concerns or questions directly to our team. Users can reach out through our help desk number or email for prompt assistance.

Relationship Coaching Consent

For users opting for relationship coaching sessions, a consent form is presented before confirmation. This form outlines the terms and conditions of the session, ensuring clear communication and mutual agreement.

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Immediate Assistance and Support Services

Support for Survivors of Sexual Assault:

Connect with confidential, 24/7 support from RAINN’s National Sexual Assault Hotline. Call 1-800-656-HOPE (4673) or visit RAINN Online for more information.

Comprehensive Health Resources:

Planned Parenthood offers a wide range of health resources and support. Contact them at 1-800-230-7526 or explore services at Planned Parenthood.

Domestic Violence Support:

The National Domestic Violence Hotline provides critical support and resources at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233). More details are available at The Hotline.

Human Trafficking Assistance:

For support related to human trafficking, reach out to the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-888-373-7888 or text 233733. Visit Human Trafficking Hotline for more information.

Sexual Violence Resources:

The National Sexual Violence Resource Center offers resources at 1-877-739-3895. Learn more at NSVRC.

Child Safety and Support:

Contact the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children at 1-800-THE-LOST (843-5678) or visit CyberTipline.

Online Privacy and Cyberbullying:

For issues related to online privacy and cyberbullying, the Cyber Civil Rights Initiative can help. Call 1-844-878-2274 or visit Cyber Civil Rights.

Crime Victim Resources:

VictimConnect offers a confidential resource center for crime victims. Call 1-855-4VICTIM (855-484-2846) or explore VictimConnect for assistance.

Reporting Internet Crime:

File complaints with the FBI Internet Crime Complaint Center at IC3.

LGBTQ+ Support:

Access a range of support services from the LGBT National Help Center at 1-888-843-4564 or visit LGBT Help Center.

Transgender Support:

Trans Lifeline offers dedicated support at 1-877-565-8860 in the US or 1-877-330-6366 in Canada. Visit Trans Lifeline for more.

Suicide and Crisis Support:

The Suicide and Crisis Lifeline is available by dialing 988 for text and call support in the US. Learn more at 988 Lifeline.

In an Emergency

For immediate danger or emergencies, please dial 911 in the U.S. or Canada, or reach out to your local law enforcement agency for immediate assistance.

Hello, It’s Me® is here to support your journey, but we also want you to know about and have access to these vital resources. Together, we can navigate the challenges and build a supportive, understanding community.

Join Us on This Journey

Hello, It’s Me® — Where every step forward is a step closer to each other, in a world crafted for connection, safeguarded with heart.

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Navigating Together: FAQs

How Can We Help?

Have questions or would like more information? Use the form to reach out and we will be in touch shortly.