3 min read

Coping with Rejection in the Dating World When You Have a Disability

It’s no secret that getting rejected by another person, whether we are interested in them romantically or as a friend, causes unwanted emotional pain. Unfortunately, this is a part of life that almost everyone experiences at some point. Luckily, there are ways to cope with rejection and learn from the situation. It is common for people to be hesitant to try dating again or connect with others after being rejected, out of fear that they will be hurt again. If you are interested in someone in a way that you’d like to take your relationship to the next level, but they do not reciprocate your feelings, it can be tough to accept. Yet sometimes these experiences happen for a reason and there are ways to help reduce our tendencies to dwell on feeling unwanted. 

Here are some helpful tips to remember and try if your romantic life is not going the way you would like. 

Talk to a friend or counseling professional about how you are feeling 

Talking about how you feel may be difficult or scary, but it is super helpful in sorting out your emotions. Call a family member or friend and vent about what you are feeling. Whether you are looking for advice or just want someone to listen to you, this method of coping can help you to feel heard. Chatting with a counselor or therapist is also a great option to help you work through challenging emotions. They are trained and experienced in helping people through difficult situations. 

Keep a journal and make a daily entry outlining your emotions 

If you are not completely comfortable verbally expressing how you feel, journal writing is also a fantastic option to get your thoughts out. It is recommended to do at least one daily entry so that over time, you can track your progress. Making lists and charts can help you to organize your thoughts and work out why the rejection may have occurred and what you can be mindful of in your next relationship. 

Try a new hobby or activity to distract yourself 

New hobbies are a fun distraction to keep yourself occupied to not overthink or overanalyze. Investing time in things such as reading, or art can help you take a break from overwhelming thoughts and to get in touch with your creative side. Activities that also provide exercise can be even more beneficial as they keep you healthy and burn off negative energy. 

Try meeting new people to make better personal connections 

It can be scary to put yourself on the market after being rejected. It’s common for us to question ourselves after someone does not want to be with us- such as criticizing our appearance or self-worth. This can dramatically lower our confidence. Yet, rejections can happen because someone just may not feel as emotionally connected. Don’t be afraid to continue being outgoing and try making friends first. Relationships often start as friendships and can help both people get to know each other better. 

Stay positive about yourself and what you have to offer 

It’s very easy for us to critique ourselves, especially after being rejected. If you already have low self-esteem, rejections can often make those feelings worse. Although it may be difficult, try to stay positive about yourself. Try saying or writing down one thing per day that you are proud of or that you like about yourself. This could include accomplishments you have made or even a feature you like about yourself. 

Evaluate your standards and think about what you are looking for in a romantic partner 

Sometimes rejections can turn out to be beneficial for us in the long run. It can help us to take a step back and re-evaluate what we are looking for in a relationship. Making a list can be useful, to get a visual of what we want in a partner. 

Explore safe social settings or methods of dating

When you are ready to get back into the dating scene, try exploring various methods of dating or meeting new people. For example, millions of people across the globe use online dating, so researching safe options for interacting with others can be the next step in dealing with rejection. 


Being rejected is never fun and can cause uncomfortable emotions. Yet, these methods can help us to get back on our feet and learn from these experiences. 

To learn more about online dating with disabilities, check out https://hello-itsme.com/ today. 


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