2 min read

Ways to Cope with a Breakup: Dating with a Disability

Breaking up with your partner can be a very difficult experience in life that almost everyone goes through at one point. Whether you are with that person long-term or for a shorter period, separating is challenging and can bring about very normal, but uncomfortable emotions. The way the person makes us feel and our emotional dependency on them makes an attachment harder to break. We invest time and major parts of our lives into one person, so if that relationship ends, it can impact almost every aspect of our lives, making it a complicated situation. Here are some ways to help cope with relationship breakups. 

Be open to verbally discussing how you feel 

Some people don’t like to talk about their emotions, but in situations where they are heightened, it can be very helpful. Talking to close friends, or family, or considering a counselor is a great way to work through sadness and when you’re feeling down. Breaking up with your partner can make everything feel hopeless, but just know that feeling will pass. Verbally discussing how you feel can help you recover faster and get closure. 

Write down your emotions in a journal 

Journal writing is an excellent alternative for anyone who prefers not to talk openly about their separation. It allows you to still get your feelings out onto paper without having to be verbal. This can help you organize your thoughts and work through your emotional pain. 

Try relaxation methods to balance your stress 

The sadness a breakup causes can bring on a lot of stress. It can make you less focused on responsibilities such as work. Trying to stay balanced and calm is recommended. Try taking some time out of the day to listen to soothing sounds, listen to your favorite music, or express your creativity through art. 

Exercise and focus on your mind and body 

Exercising is a great way to relieve stress and sadness. Studies have shown that exercise can increase overall happiness. Hitting the gym can help your mind and your body heal faster. However, you don’t just need to go to the gym- take a walk with a friend, try some home workouts, or take a bike ride through town. If you have a physical disability that causes mobility issues, chat with your healthcare provider to see which exercises are safe for you to do. 

Create distractions and focus on new things 

Distractions throughout the day can help you not dwell on a relationship that did not work out. For example, try a new hobby or continue with an old hobby you used to enjoy. This could include arts, and crafts, learning a new instrument, learning a new language, getting into a new tv show, starting a new book, and more. 

Don’t be afraid to socialize with others and be open to new relationships

When we break up with someone, often we are not ready to think about what our next relationship will be like. While it is normal to feel that way, don’t let it stop you from being open to what the future can hold. Sometimes things happen for a reason, and meeting new people can help you to overcome feelings of sadness. Whether you make new friends or someone for a potential relationship, making connections is very helpful. 

For more relationship advice within the disabled community and ways to connect with others, visit https://hello-itsme.com/ today. 


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