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Education in the Disabled Community

2 min read

Inclusion in Education in the Disabled Community

Did you know that there are millions of people in the United States who have some type of disability? This includes physical, intellectual, or...

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Education with Autism

2 min read

How to Navigate Through the Educational Process with Autism

There is more than one type of autism disorder that can affect kids, teenagers, and adults. The CDC reports millions of diagnosed children have some...

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Higher Education with a Learning Disorder

2 min read

Should You Still Consider Higher Education with a Learning Disorder?

If you have a learning disorder, it may feel discouraging sometimes to think about earning an education. Yet, you know that academics can help to...

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Education for disabled

2 min read

Pursuing Higher Education with an Intellectual Disability

Studies show an estimated 6.5 million people in the United States live with an intellectual disability or ID. While there are many intellectual...

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