2 min read

Ways to Reduce Stress and Anxiety When You Have a Disability

Having a physical or intellectual disability or learning disorder can cause unwanted stress. Everyone has stress in their daily routine; however, disabilities can sometimes bring on more anxiety. Stress relief methods are not one-size-fits-all. Certain strategies work for some people whereas they may not work with others. Here are some quick and easy ways for anyone to try when looking to reduce stress. 

Listening to music or nature sounds 

Music is a great way to escape everyday stress. Music can remind of us the great times we have had and provide enjoyment by taking time to listen to the various instruments and vocals. Try making a playlist for car rides or organizing playlists depending on your mood for that day. If you’re not interested in listening to music during stressful times but find calmness in sounds, try listening to audible nature sounds. This can include storms, beach sounds, rain, and more. 

Get creative and try new crafts and art hobbies

Using art to relieve stress is a great technique and can help you express your emotions through creativity. If you have a physical disability that limits movement to create art or crafts, watching intriguing videos can be relaxing as well. There are many sites and apps where users can watch artistic videos or reels for free. If physical limitations are not an issue, try something new such as painting or making jewelry. 

Call family or a friend on the phone

While this may seem too simple or obvious, sometimes people refrain from talking to others when they are stressed as they are not in the mood to communicate. Talking to someone is one of the best ways to discuss challenges you may be experiencing and to vent about issues that you are working through. 

Join a gym or health club and switch up your diet 

This stress-relief method can be challenging as it may not be accessible to everyone. Some individuals with certain disabilities may need to adhere to a more strict or specific diet. Others may have mobility difficulties that prohibit them from exercising or getting a gym membership. However, if you can adjust your diet and attend a gym, that is a great way to keep your body healthy and clear your mind. Exercising can burn off stress, promote better sleep, and promote overall health. If you are unable to go to a gym, trying at-home exercises is great also. Try small portable weights or resistance bands. Researching new healthy recipes online is a great way to eat healthier after a workout as well. 

Join a local group or supportive community 

When you have a disability, it may feel as though people view you differently. Joining local groups where support is offered from others in a similar situation can drastically help reduce stress. This can help you feel less isolated and encourage more socializing. Having support from the community is an uplifting feeling and making friends in local groups can promote overall happiness. 

If you or someone you know would like to learn more about the disabled community, check out https://hello-itsme.com/.


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